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Home » San Jose shooter dead after ‘multiple’ VTA workers ‘killed
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San Jose shooter dead after ‘multiple’ VTA workers ‘killed

A SAN Jose shooter is dead after “multiple” VTA workers were allegedly killed and injured at a light rail yard in California.

Numerous people, including the alleged shooter, reportedly died following the Wednesday morning incident, according to Mercury News.

The shooting allegedly took place on Wednesday morning

The city’s mayor, Sam Liccardo, confirmed that the incident “left several people being treated” but that “the shooter is no longer a threat.”

San Jose police responded to the scene as of 6.34am on Wednesday morning.

As of 7am local time, the scene was still labeled as “active,” with cops asking people to stay out of the area.

The station is located near the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office at 101 Younger Avenue.

The mother of an employee said that her son claimed the shooting occurred during a union meeting, according to KTVU.

The company reportedly has 2,100 employees, however it is unclear how many people were on-site at the time.

She added that her son was safe in the auditorium of the sheriff’s office.

It is unclear so far if anyone has been injured following the shooter or if the suspect is still on the loose.

Multiple police officers and vehicles could be seen in the area following the reports.


The area appeared to be taped offCredit: FOX 2

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