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Horoscope today, Wednesday September 29

Daily guide to what your star sign has in store for your zodiac dates


March 21 to April 20

You are always ready to stand up and speak out but as Mars gets fired up, try to keep your own counsel and let others go first.

Work with what you are given to discover so much new about situations you assumed you knew.

In love, too, the less you say, the more you see – including a longing look from “T”.


April 21 to May 21

The more outrageous aspects of Uranus can find you saying or writing things that surprise, maybe even shock.

People will see you in a whole new way but there is freedom in being honest and not pretending.

Neptune and Venus cook up a feast for your love senses, starting with the scent of baking bread.


May 22 to June 21

Cash might not be your area of expertise but a time of letting others choose for you is over.

You have the ability to power through the stages of a money shift. All you have to do is start.

Your spiritual self is enhanced by Neptune and you feel so much, so deeply.

Now try turning this into a script . . . 


June 22 to July 22

You are starting to grow into your true self and part of this is accepting not everyone will agree with you – and that’s OK.

So instead of worrying and waiting, you can move forward on your own personal path.

A new but very keen gardener can be the one to help your passion profile bloom.

Luck rings bell 17.


July 23 to August 23

Your ruling sun blazes out emotional heat, while Saturn adds a cool breeze of stability.

You feel intensely but still get key choices done and dusted. A time of turning away from the truth can end.

A wildlife organisation could be your link to love, so do get involved.

Leo couples are starred for success.


August 24 to September 22

Money and friends might not mix well, so if you sense someone is reluctant to commit, dig deeper.

If hiding certain emotions from each other has become a shared habit, it is one you can break together.

Your oldest shoes could be a luck link that has you walking on air.

Love waits for you to make up your mind.


September 23 to October 23

Your current Mars factor is a tendency to jump to conclusions and cut corners.

This could be a problem at work, so stay alert and make sure you have all the necessary information.

In a love bond, as Venus adds sincerity and the moon opens your heart, recent doubts can be left far behind.


October 24 to November 22

Falling for someone who has a media career, or is simply very good at persuasion, can be part of your passion destiny.

This could be the day you meet but it may take time for the attraction to kick in.

If you are with someone, love is strongest when two lives stay separate in places, maybe including a travel dream.


November 23 to December 21

There could be a place for you in a group forming right now with some very ambitious plans.

Sharing with others can be your key to sticking to a path or promise without getting distracted.

So look closer at what is on offer.

As Uranus flips work roles, you could be asked to fill some VIP shoes.


December 22 to January 20

What makes an idea truly original is the question at the heart of your chart. Yes, you are about to find out.

Put concepts to the test, find out which have true potential and start the selection process now.

Love can be a source of wishes coming true, as a much-missed name reappears in your life.


January 21 to February 18

Your way of working and thinking is unique, so do resist outside efforts to make you like everybody else.

You have something the world is waiting for!

A routine love chat can upgrade into “together for ever” talks.

Single? The person who approaches you where outdoor music plays can make your heart sing.


February 19 to March 20

You have passion courage plus emotional imagination – a one-in-a-million mix.

So if you are single, you can set your “type” aside and get to know someone who is your total opposite.

If you are already in love, the journey has only just begun, however long you’ve been together.

Speak with total honesty.

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