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This Super Organised Mum Has Already Finished Her Christmas Shopping

Christmas Shopping

When it comes to Christmas shopping, all too many of us find it’s a case of a dashing around the high street on the 24th, scooping up whatever’s left.

But one super organised mum has put us all to shame, having already finished buying hers – yep, that’s four months early.

Paige Ridlings, 21, said she started buying presents for her two sons back in March. She’s now completed the mammoth task, in a bid to avoid the stress of ‘rushing around at the last minute’.

In total, she’s spent £600 on 40 gifts for two-year-old Oscar and 11-month-old Rogan-Leigh – an amount that Paige has defended, as they will apparently won’t receive as much on their birthdays.

Some of the bigger presents for the lucky boys (look away now, LADs!) include a £120 trampoline, a £95 trike, a small bicycle costing £40 and a toy dog that helps children learn to read, which cost £30.


The presents. See SWNS story SWXMAS. Meet the forward-thinking mum who started buying her children’s Christmas presents NINE months early. Paige Ridlings, 21, started buying gifts for her two sons in March – and has finished her shopping with four months to spare. She spent £600 on items for Oscar, two, and 11-month-old Rogan-Leigh online to avoid the stress of last-minute shopping. Full-time mum Paige, who spread the cost across 40 items, said she likes to stay ahead of the game to avoid “rushing around at the last minute”. Paige also dismissed suggestions she spends too much on her young children – because they will receive few presents on their birthdays. The 40 items include a £120 trampoline, a trike for babies priced at £95, a small bicycle costing £40 and a toy dog which helps children learn to read at £30.

Paige says most of the other presents cost between £15 and £20, including some small toys and two bean bags.

Paige, who hails from Oldham in Greater Manchester and lives with partner Luke, 24, buys her gifts from, using credit. With 12 months to pay it off, she has already managed to pay back £400.

Paige said: “I find it so much easier to shop like this because there’s no rushing around – and I can make sure my boys have stuff they have asked for.

“I used to leave Christmas shopping to the last minute.

“It was so stressful because it would be hard to find some toys because they’d be out of stock and near Christmas time shops are always busy – buying early doesn’t have that stress.”

She continued: “Two years ago I wasn’t able to get my first son much – he only had five presents and I felt awful.

“It didn’t help that we just moved into our new home so were tight on cash – but with now I can get stuff online for my two boys.

“I didn’t realise how much I’d spent this year until I added it all up but I don’t have a problem with it.

“The children won’t have loads spent on them for birthdays – which is why I spend more at Christmas.

“If people say I spend to much then it’s their opinion – every year I go through my kids’ toys and give a lot to charity so when it comes to Christmas I have room for new toys.

“It’s such a relief – I’m all done and set for the day.”

I’d love to say that this has inspired me to run out and start on the Christmas shopping, but I think we all know that’s not going to happen. I’ll see you all at the shops on Christmas Eve!

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