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STOP ENJOYING YOURSELVES or we close the parks again


Bangkonians have been venturing outside in greater numbers again and many have even dared to visit the city’s public parks.

This, however, is considered unacceptable by the Bangkok Metropolitan Association who claim that some are not wearing face masks and are ignoring their social distancing rules.

They are afraid that people are actually gathering together and exercising in groups and, worse still,  eating together.

Some have gone further and are using fitness areas despite being ordered not to by park authorities.

And now because nobody is taking any notice of the rules the government has threatened to close the parks again unless orders are followed.

Orders that include compulsory face masks, unless you are a jogger in which case you don’t need to wear one, but must trot along at least 5-meters from anybody else.

This is all about saving lives, we are told. Failure to follow the rules means the parks will be closed again.

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