A SECURITY guard spent ten days with a metal cup stuck up his bum – and told doctors it was shoved there by armed robbers.
The 62-year-old – named only as Ramdin – said the muggers made off with £545 before ramming the cup up his rear end with such force that it became lodged in his ABDOMEN.
He claims the brutal attack left him unconscious and in severe pain.
The cup was removed after two hours of painstaking surgery at Rama Hospital in Kanpur City, India.
Senior surgeon Dr Dinesh Kumar said: “In the vicious attack he fell unconscious and did not know what transpired during this period.
“After ten days, on June 26, he came to us with severe abdominal pain and discharge from his anus.

“We conducted an ultrasound scan to find out the problem and were astonished to see a steel tumbler lodged inside his abdomen.
“It seems that the metal cup was inserted into Ramdin’s rectum by the goons, and it got stuck near the intestines, causing him acute pain.
“Initially, we tried to remove the cup through the anus itself, but after an hour despite our best efforts, we couldn’t get it out.
“Then we decided to do an invasive surgery from the stomach, and got the metal cup out.”