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How to make it through Valentines Day in 1 piece

Valentines Day, a small guide for fellas for the big day

Brace yourself guys, Valentines Day rapidly approaching and it’s second only to your anniversary in the list of things you can totally f**k up this year. All us men out their a panicking about how to impress our better half, or someone we may like to be our better half. But how much of what we do actually makes a difference to how she feels about us?

It’s totally normal to feel like Valentine’s Day has to be an unforgettably romantic experience. After all, jewelers, florists, restaurants and greeting card companies depend on it! But the notion that Feb. 14 must exceed our expectations of a standard Saturday night is cliché. Whether you’re in a relationship or not, chances are you’re going to feel a tinge of disappointment on Valentine’s Day. But don’t worry, because you’re definitely not alone.

Even if you’re in love or are perfectly happy being single, assuming that Valentine’s Day is anything to fret over will only lead to some version of “womp, womp.”

No matter how much preparation we put in, it never turns out quite how we want it to. I suppose the million dollar question on everyone’s lips is “What do women actually want?”

Unfortunately for us fellas, we will never know the answer to that question. Why, well I’m pretty sure that most women don’t even know the answer themselves.

In a recent survey done on the topic 68% of women say it’s only a bit of fun. In fact no one seems to be taking it too seriously at all, with another 20% proclaiming Valentine’s Day to be “a crock of sh*t” and several more seeing it as an opportunity to pop into Ann Summers or Victoria’s Secret.

I’m afraid to say that the survey also found that the idea gift was a trip away so get the wallet out lads.  Just under 50% of respondents would love a romantic getaway holiday. The next most popular answer was perfume, followed by flowers but make sure not to overshoot now, just under 10% of respondents will be happy enough with a card.

So there’s just a few pointers to keep you on track but if you are still not sure, feel free to complete the very simple chart I have found below, which will help you find out if Valentines will be a complete waste of time, or not.

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