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Horoscope today, Sunday December 19

pattaya one horoscope

Daily guide to what your star sign has in store for your zodiac dates


March 21 to April 20

Festive chart focus is your deepest ambition and the sun is ready to turn up the heat.

A catch-up chat, perhaps in a work context, can bring a surprise offer. Be your best self wherever you go.

As Venus spins into reverse, love questions may not be easy to answer but you will have the best time trying.


April 21 to May 21

A journey linked to learning is back on your calendar, perhaps with a gift element.

A cash-rich full moon can bring unexpected sources of extra income or cool prize connections into your daily life.

In love, you are adventurous and daring but although new faces are addictive, do not forget what your heart needs.


May 22 to June 21

With full-moon mystery in your sign, you are ready for a festive run-up of intriguing meetings and inspiring ideas.

Last-minute switches of events or venues can also change your life and you have a sensuality that smoulders in person or on screen.

The best gift you can give is your full attention. “P” is waiting.


June 22 to July 22

As Venus switches paths, your marriage and long-term love chart wakes up to change.

Maybe this is a surprise but it can be so positive.

It starts with a set of festive promises that ask more but can also deliver a lot.

Single? Set assumptions aside and get to know the person behind a confident smile.


July 23 to August 23

You have a sociable moon, with more than one chance to join a celebrity or high-profile work group.

You are so thoughtful and your gift-buying and giving instincts are spot on. A circle of holly or mistletoe is a luck-finder.

Venus steps back to ask why love feels like work, but you can fix this.


August 24 to September 22

Ditch any set ideas of what romance looks or feels like.

For the next seven days you are going to be surprised and feel your heart reboot, ready for a hot new phase.

The sun shines on your creative side and sets big ideas free.

Gifts you make or put together can open a career door. Luck starts with a stars logo.


September 23 to October 23

Admitting what you do not know is step one to deepening work and life bonds. The full moon helps you do this in emotional ways.

But you do need to accept that other people value secrets more than you.

Planning at home may feel ambitious but it can work, so do pitch in.

Passion is unsettling in all the sexiest ways.


October 24 to November 22

You cannot keep love words inside and are ready to say exactly how you feel – and take action if you do not get the response you need.

If fear of change has held you back in any area of life, that is gone.

You are the director of your own confidence and future.

A transformer moon makes this a perfect time to try a new look.


November 23 to December 21

Loyalty and deep-held values are updating. Though you are asking difficult questions, you never lose your sense of self-belief, so trust your own judgment.

Panic-buying is tempting but it is better to spend less on something that means more.

A chalk-and-cheese work or event team can lead to love.


December 22 to January 20

Venus reverses in your personal star space and starts a few weeks of intense love thought and action.

If you have been marking time, now you can make decisive love moves.

This can include letting an ex back into your life.

You have learned a lot about yourself and it is time to put this to the test.


January 21 to February 18

You have got a buzzing creativity zone thanks to the moon. Decorating and dining ideas can get you noticed, so do not hold back.

The sun helps you get into, or out of, emotional bonds with kindness. This is useful as Venus’ back-track can make you oversensitive.

Count to ten before you react or respond.


February 19 to March 20

It’s what’s not said at home that can cause crossed wires, so lead the way on honest communication.

As your friendship zone opens up, names from the past come back, perhaps via a celebration message.

Your heart’s reaction is so strong but Venus is travelling back, which can be emotionally challenging.

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