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Home » Chinese tourist obscene display in Chiang Mai
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Chinese tourist obscene display in Chiang Mai

Residents of Chiang Mai, a popular tourist destination in northern Thailand, have pleaded with the government to make sure that international visitors respect the local way of life. This is in response to a TikTok video clip that went viral showing a Chinese woman disrobing on the back of a baht bus in the province.

Many concerned citizens and organizations have expressed outrage after seeing video clips of a Chinese visitor undressing half-naked in the middle of the street while riding one of Chiang Mai’s iconic red baht buses. The video clip, which purports to show an unnamed Chinese woman lowering her slacks to reveal her bottom and G-string underwear while doing sensual gyrations, gained millions of views on social media.

Some of the complainants argued the woman should be held accountable for violating the province’s local culture and Thai traditional conservative values, even if she later removed the clips after they received harsh criticism.

Vice Chairman of the Chiang Mai Provincial Cultural Council Wanlop Namwongprom recommended on Wednesday that pertinent organizations, including the Chiang Mai Tourism Authority and the Tourism Authority of Thailand, take legal action against this woman or at the very least keep track of her in order to warn her.

In addition to being offensive and improper, Wanlop claimed that the recordings would lead some international tourists to believe that anyone can do whatever they want in Chiang Mai, whether it is legal or not.

Numerous organizations are working to find and identify the woman in order to warn her.

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