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Fresh Relief is on its way

No food, and 20baht (45p) (62 cent) to there name

Thankyou so far we have feed and got a few families back on there feet

its not over but thanks to you all they are in a better place .

Every Thai child deserves a fair chance.

 Your donation helps the charity make a difference for children

A child’s needs are simple.

Food, shelter, education and medical care are the rights of all people.

But children especially suffer when they’re denied these fundamental human rights.

Thailand is in a bad way at the moment and the children are suffering daily .

Children need to be shown that they have value in the world.

By providing them with the resources they need, encouragement and a lot of love and guidance, children will learn they have value as human beings.

if we save just one life we have done a our job ,but our goal is to save many more

just $2 will help a lot thankyou

What you’re about to do could change a child’s life forever

Please visit our page thankyou

We are giving back to the community by fighting hunger one family at a time

With the COVID19 pandemic hitting Pattaya and the surrounding areas harder than ever Fresh Digital has teamed up with Pattaya One to help support local families and children who are in desperate need of food, water and shelter.

Our committed staff here at Fresh Digital will make regular donations to this cause and together we are donating food and water to the needy in and around the Pattaya area on a weekly basis and more frequent if needs increase.

We also sponsoring local families who have become homeless through the COVID pandemic and have already housed one with a view to housing more over the coming weeks. We will help get these families back on their feet so when things start to come back to normal they have a better chance of finding work and supporting themselves.

A big thankyou to everyone who as helped so far

WE are giving back to the community by fighting hunger one family at a time 

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