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Pattaya to mark bike boxes around the city

Given the growing number of motorbikes on the roads and the urgent concern around motorcycle accidents, Pattaya City has launched a ground-breaking project to address traffic-related problems and decrease accidents.

The disorganized parking of motorbikes and bicycles along the side of the road or in the midst of junctions is a typical sight on Thai roadways, particularly those in Pattaya. This is a result of the space that is left for motorbikes and other small vehicles on roads that emphasize cars. As a result, motorcyclists frequently park in places that aren’t meant for it, which could cause accidents.

The Traffic Design and Transportation Department used traffic management advancements from the United States and the United Kingdom as inspiration to address this issue. To enhance traffic flow and provide designated spaces for motorbikes at junctions, they used Lane Control and Bike Boxes, commonly known as Advance Stop Lines (ASL).

Bike Box installation entails establishing two lines of intersection stops. All cars stop before the first line when there is a red light, leaving the space in front just for motorcycles and bicycles. As a result, they have a head start when the light turns green and can move forward safely before the automobiles move. All road users, including cyclists, motorcyclists, and pedestrians, are safer thanks to the bike boxes. Over 30 of the 80 MC points that have been created in the area have already been put into operation.

Pattaya hopes to improve interoperability between various vehicle kinds and make the road a safer place for everyone by using these novel methods. It boosts visibility for automobiles, alerts them to the presence of motorbikes, and encourages them to drive cautiously when the traffic signal changes when motorcycles and bicycles are allowed to halt in front of intersections.

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