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China blames United States for COVID-19

China blames

The world is trying to figure out who is to blame for the coronavirus pandemic and many have their thoughts and feelings on the subject and China have been accused a few times now, however, China now is attempting to shift the blame to the USA for the outbreak. And US Sen. Josh Hawley si working around the clock to see that China is held responsible for unleashing this virus.

Media outlet The Blaze reported on Tuesday that Hawley is demanding that China has to pay for their actions.

This report has sparked an international investigation into how the Government of the Peoples Republic of China handled the Covid-19 outbreak and how China also tried to cover up what triggered the global pandemic.

Hawley has demanded that China compensate the world “for the harm caused by its decision to hide the emergence and spread of COVID-19 during the initial weeks of the outbreak.

This is what the US Lawmaker said in his statement:

Since day one, the Chinese communist party intentionally lied to the world about the origin of this pandemic. The CCP was aware of the reality of the virus as early as December but ordered laboratories to destroy samples and forced doctors to keep silent.

It is time for an international investigation into the role their cover-up played in the spread of this devastating pandemic. The CCP must be held to account for what the world is now suffering,’Rep Elise Stefanik 9R-N-Y0 introduced a companion resolution in the house.

There is no doubt that China’s unconscionable decision to orchestrate an elaborate cover-up of the wide-ranging and deadly implications of coronavirus led to the death of thousands of people including hundreds of Americans and climbing.

This resolution calls for China to provide compensation for the harm, loss and destruction their arrogance brought upon the rest of the world. Simply put – China must and will be held accountable.

The COVID-19 outbreak has forced America to once again re-think its interdependence with communist China.

Sen Marsha Blackburn 9R-TENN0 has introduced legislation to end America’s pharmaceutical dependence on China, which produces the majority of pharmaceutical ingredients that the US uses.

What is not yet clear is how or if the COVID-19 pandemic will impact Americas relationship with the world health organization, which has proved itself to be more of a puppet for Chinas communist Government than international ally

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