Pattaya and the Eastern Region Weather Prediction
Scattered thunderstorms, particularly in Nakhon Nayok, Prachin Buri, Sa Kaeo, Chonburi (Pattaya), and Chachoengsao, with occasional strong winds and hail. 24-27 °C is the minimum temperature. 33–39 °C is the maximum temperature. 10 to 30 km/h winds from the southeast. Wave height in thundershowers is both below and over one meter.

7 days Weather predictions
There were sporadic thunderstorms with hail and strong winds from May 9 to 10. Winds from the southeast, 10 to 30 km/h. Wave height in thundershowers is both below and over one meter.
Thunderstorms that ranged in size from localized to fairly broad occurred between May 11 and May 14.
solitary to sporadic thundershowers on May 15. 15 to 30 km/h winds out of the southwest. When there are thundershowers, the waves can be as high as 2 meters. 23 to 28 °C is the minimum temperature. maximum range of 29 to 37 °C.Generally speaking
Where hot to extremely hot weather occurs and where the stronger southerly and southeasterly breezes blow the humidity from the Gulf and the South China Sea, higher Thailand and the South China Sea are covered by the moderate high pressure system. Summer storm outbreaks with thunderstorms, brisk gusts, sporadic hail, and lightning strikes are probable.
In order to avoid the harsh conditions, people should stay away from outdoor areas, large trees, unlocked buildings, and billboards. They should also remove any mobiles and decorations made of metal. Crop damage should be avoided by farmers. The active low-pressure cell over the lower Bay of Bengal is predicted to intensify into a tropical cyclone between May 9 and May 15, at which point it will travel to the upper Bengal.
For the South, winds from the southeast dominate the South and the Gulf while winds from the southwest dominate the Andaman Sea. In the South, it will likely rain more, with isolated periods of heavy rain. waves in the upper Andaman Sea that are about 2 meters high and over 3 meters high during thundershowers. Waves in the lower Andaman Sea can reach heights of 1 to 2 meters, and they can reach heights of over 2 meters during thundershowers.