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Phuket Vegetarian Festival Area Accident Kills One

Phuket Vegetarian Festival Area Accident Kills One

At least seven people were hurt when a sedan crashed into the area of the vegetarian festival in Phuket Town just days before it started. One person was declared dead at the scene.
The Deputy Chief Lieutenant Colonel Sarawut Chotsuwan of Phuket City told The Phuket Express that one person died and ten were hurt, including the driver of the Mercedes-Benz, who has now been named Mrs. Aroon Thongsarn, 62.
Mrs. Aroon told the police in Phuket City that she was driving when she got dizzy and then pushed the gas instead of the brake, which caused the crash.
The results of her blood alcohol test have not been released by a nearby hospital yet. Colonel Sarawut said that she is now being charged with careless driving that caused damage, injuries, and a death.
Mrs. Aroon hasn’t made an instant plea, but she seems to be sticking to her story that she had a medical emergency that caused the incident.

People have also kept complaining on social media about why the road was still open to traffic, even if it was only going one way, when there wasn’t much room and many vendors were already selling veggie food. In response to the questions, Phuket officials have only said that the festival had not started yet at the time of the accident. However, when the festival does start, the road will be closed to cars and only open to walkers.


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