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Horoscope today, Friday October 29

Daily guide to what your star sign has in store for your zodiac dates


March 21 to April 20

During the day, your clear mind overrules warm emotions and you can keep a conversation about finances practical and productive.

But by the time the moon sets, you could be totally in love with someone who is gorgeous and good for you.

Long-term couples have a lucky link with a TV show.


April 21 to May 21

You may not see yourself as artistic until today when you contribute a design to a contest ­ – and your unusual entry gets lots of praise.

The Neptune effect can turn what you thought only had friendship potential into deep love.

A couple moving home make a valuable find when boxes are unpacked again.


May 22 to June 21

Pluto, the planet that solves mysteries, could help you discover some intriguing facts about your family history, and make you proud of who you are.

Passion master Mars brings a Libra into your life and you make such a hot couple.

Your learning skills are sharp – and it’s important to use them to the maximum.


June 22 to July 22

The sun focuses on leisure and pleasure in your chart. And being with people who make you feel good and who are optimistic can be life-changing.

Love may be comfortably drifting along but it is ready to rediscover red-hot romance.

Single? A new partner works in the entertainment world.


July 23 to August 23

You put a high value on loyalty yet you’re also ready to give a second chance to those who may have disappointed you.

And a fresh start can turn a so-so project into an impressive success.

If you’re single, it’s make-your-mind-up time between two sporty Arians who look alike. Numbers in red attract luck.


August 24 to September 22

Having confidence in your own ideas, and showing it, gets easier and this can apply in a formal work setting where your name can go on a lucky list.

And you can devise a simpler, faster way to organise family life.

Single? Your next love move could be a major one, so allocate plenty of time for deep decisions.


September 23 to October 23

Your talent chart is at the centre of the action. So this is the day when you can dare to believe in your own gifts.

Writing a private diary with the potential to become an online sensation could be a great way to start.

When it comes to romance, however long you’ve been together, it is important to say those love words.


October 24 to November 22

It may be new to you but the meals you plan for the family, or a team, show you have a natural talent for super-healthy food.

But later Pluto, the co-ruler of your sign, sets up a meeting with someone who has an air of mystery that hides brilliant mind and passion skills.

A text delivers exciting news.


November 23 to December 21

You can look beyond the smiles people wear to know how each truly feels and who will be there for you.

As for romance, someone with a grand job title who dares to do stand-up comedy in their spare time could be The One.

An almost forgotten family favour is repaid in a wild, imaginative way.


December 22 to January 20

Being the first in a partnership to use the “love” word is often a gamble but if two people both hold back, romance could miss its magic moment.

Workwise, your personal planet Saturn gives you the stamina and determination to stay with a project until it’s a success.

Door number 8 identifies a lucky location.


January 21 to February 18

You’re the zodiac’s most popular sign today and you can talk to anyone and keep them interested.

But to get the most benefit, be determined and focus on the project where success would mean the most – whether this is love or ambition.

Your belief in a relative’s singing talent does mean a great deal to all the family.


February 19 to March 20

The Neptune effect gives you a special way of looking at the world and it could lead to a series of personal photographs that could be a success.

But it is an in-depth conversation with a partner that shows how strong love has grown. Single?

Someone whose initials match yours could be a clever love choice.

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