High-risk tourists barred from visit
The Foreign Ministry on Saturday clarified the details of the Special Tourist Visa (STV) for long-stay tourists, saying the most important requirement for all applicants is they must be coming from low Covid-19 risk countries.
The STV scheme is a part of the state’s bid to revitalise the economy. Prospective STV applicants are being advised to check which countries’ citizens are being permitted by the Public Health Ministry to travel into Thailand, said deputy ministry spokesman Natapanu Nopakun said.
Citing an announcement by the Interior Ministry on Sept 30 regarding permission for foreigners to apply for the STV, he said holders of this special visa will be allowed to first stay in the country for 90 days and then renew the visa twice for 90 days each time. The programme was launched on Thursday. The ministry has stressed to Thai embassies and consular offices overseas the importance of processing the STV accurately and disseminating information to prospective travellers, he said.
Documents required include a certificate of eligibility, proof of payment for state or hospital quarantine for 14 days, full payment for post-quarantine accommodation or ownership of accommodation, a Thai health and accident insurance policy with at least 400,000 baht inpatient coverage and 40,000 baht outpatient coverage, and a health insurance policy with at least US$100,000 (3.16 million baht) coverage for Covid-19 treatment, he said.