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False information regarding foreign pensioner floored by Thai man

False information regarding foreign pensioner floored by Thai man

It seems that there are mixed reports concerning the foreign man who was floored by one punch from a Thai man in a video that went viral earlier this week.

The incident took place on Wednesday October 11th where footage showed a foreigner having an altercation with a Thai man before running him down in his car. Following the incident the Thai man tracked the man down an managed to get his revenge with a clean straight left which left the foreigner floored with a nasty looking cut to his face.

The initial reports in the media suggested that the man was an Australian pensioner but in fact, he is British national 77 year old George Collins, according to Thaivisa.

The mix up cam about as Mr. collins had been living in Australia for a number of years before coming to Thailand, however, he still travels on his British passport.

Initial reports also suggested that he was 72, when in fact, he is actually a bit older than that at 77 years old.

The mixed up information was cleared up after an exclusive interview with Thai visa, before Mr. Coollins made his way to Pattaya police station for more questioning regarding the incident, in which at one point Mr. Collins was caught on camera brandishing a large looking knife and threatening the Thai man.

Potentially, Mr Collins could be facing charges of attempted murder, but he is adamant he is inocent, calling the whole thing “crazy”.

As for the Thai man involved, he has already been charged with assault and has also apologised for his actions, saying that it was a “heat of the moment reaction” and that it won’t happen again.

According to Thai press, Mr Collins has posted his own bail of 200,000 Baht, which has yet to be confirmed or denied.

Sumeth, the Thai victim has told various media sources that after pleading guilty to his own charge, he intends to push the matter to the fullest extent of the law.

In the interview with Thai Visa, Mr Collins went on record saying:

“It’s a crazy business,” he said, “but this sort of thing happens in Thailand. I still intend to stay here for the rest of my life.

He went on to say:

“This Thai guy attacked ME with his car. He used his car as a weapon and ran me off the road.

Answering a question about brandishing what looked like a machete, he responded by claiming he was acting in self defense:

“I retaliated and I’m the one in trouble now.”

Clearing up the misunderstood information in the media, he said:

“I am British and I travel on a British passport. I was born in Walsall though I lived in Queensland for a while. I consider myself as British.

“I believe my residency in Australia has expired by now”

Mr> Collins is believed to have been living in Pattaya for around 15 years now and resides along with his Thai wife, who is yet to give a public statement. The couple met in Pattaya and are said to be happily married.

It is believed that Mr. Collins reached out to Thai Visa and various other media platforms in an attempt to clear up his side of the story.

Just before the interview ended, Mr Collins was asked how he felt about possible charges of attempted murder being put against him, to which he replied:

“I feel confused”


A lawyer has been appointed for him as the investigation continues.

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