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Chinese electrician electrocutes self

Chinese electrician

A Chinese electrician electrocuted himself while fixing an LED sign outside a Pattaya tourist attraction.

Breathing, but unconscious, Liu Zhanlin, 37, was rushed to Bangkok Hospital Pattaya after the Dec. 3 accident at the Soho Town Pattaya Project on Second Road, a spot popular with Chinese tourists.

Liu was lying on top of the sign’s five-meter-high steel frame when paramedics arrived. They climbed up and used ropes to lower Liu where they could provide CPR.

Witness and market vendor Apasanan Jindaanuttaree, 36, said she asked Liu to fix the sign as she knew he was an “expert” with electronic systems.

All went well until he turned on the sign for testing and electricity shot through the steel frame until bystanders cut the power.



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