New Taipei police hauled the alleged “middle-man” behind the shooting of Taiwanese Internet celebrity Holger Chen for questioning late Wednesday.
According to police reports, Shih Jun-ji has affiliations with the United Bamboo Gang, one of the three main criminal triads in Taiwan.
Police believe that Shih and the gunman orchestrated the shooting with promises of a huge reward by the aforesaid gang.
Based on the findings of a confiscated Face ID-locked phone of the gunman, New Taipei police said that the gunman and Shih, who both live around Neihu District, Taipei, were friends.

PHOTO: Screengrab/YouTube/館長成吉思汗
Police investigations are still underway, but Holger Chen, who already recovered from his wounds, reportedly claimed that he might know the person who ordered the hit without further ado.
Meanwhile, Chen has restarted his daily live broadcasts during which he warned fans to stay away from him to avoid being hurt.