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Night Brawl Among Kuwaiti Tourists

Night Brawl Among Kuwaiti Tourists

Upon arrival, authorities discovered two large groups of Kuwaiti tourists, each consisting of around 20 people, engaged in a heated argument and on the verge of physical violence. Fortunately, officers were able to intervene in time and prevent the situation from escalating. Eyewitnesses recorded the chaotic scene on video, which was later handed over to the authorities as evidence.

Nearby restaurant staff, who requested anonymity, informed reporters that the incident started when the two groups of Middle Eastern tourists, seated at separate tables, began arguing. The tension quickly escalated, and both groups attempted to physically attack each other. Although restaurant employees initially managed to break up the fight, the groups soon reconvened in an alley and resumed their confrontation, prompting staff to call the police.

The incident caused significant concern among local residents and tourists in the area. The South Pattaya neighborhood around Soi Yensabai has been experiencing issues for weeks, as hundreds of Kuwaiti students, as they do every year, flock to Pattaya during their annual school holidays. Many complaints have been made about the tourists’ use of motorbikes and their habit of racing at all hours of the morning.

While most of the Kuwaiti tourists are expected to return to school by the end of August, there are still nearly three weeks during which further incidents could occur.

credit TPN

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