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Home » Thai Smile flight returns to gate after passenger forgets possession in the terminal
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Thai Smile flight returns to gate after passenger forgets possession in the terminal

A foreign passenger forced a Thai Smile Airways flight to return to the terminal gate so he could retrieve his left-behind possessions at Chiang Mai International Airport, forcing the plane to make an emergency stop as it taxied down the runway.

An incident when a foreign passenger asked a flight attendant to stop the aircraft because he had forgotten his belongings was captured on film by Thai user bandzlam on TikTok. Additionally, the video recorder turned to her left side, demonstrating that the jet was still taxiing down the runway despite the foreigner’s plea for it to halt.

The video’s caption claimed that the foreign man was an Arabian traveler, but the airline has not yet verified the claim. The Tiktoker claimed…

The incident happened on July 19 in Chaing Mai. This Arabian passenger pushed a flight attendant to halt the plane for him just as it was about to take off since he had forgotten his bag at the airport. According to the individual, the bag contained his cash and belongings. All of his family members were eventually ordered to exit the aircraft by the airline. The dialogue between the flight attendant and the foreign passenger was not audible due to cabin noise. The pilot informed the other passengers of the small interruption due to the urgent request before takeoff in an official statement.

“For the sake of everyone’s safety, we must momentarily halt the flight. The process of returning the impacted customer to the terminal is anticipated to take two to five minutes. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.

The foreign traveler insisted on exiting the aircraft by himself to get the suitcase, but airport staff urged all of his family members to go with him in order to ensure their safety.

Thai internet users shared their thoughts on the subject in the comment sections. The majority of them advised the travelers to take good care of their possessions in order to prevent disturbances to others. Commenters noted that…

“In Shang Hai, I once misplaced my cell phone. At that point, the aircraft was still, and the flight attendant refused to let me off or even offer assistance. We should take care of our possessions, is the message. “Self-centered in an Arab style.”

“I left personal items behind in a foreign country, but the flight attendant helped me by working with their team and getting my things to my destination.”

“This is a flight, not a city bus,”

To avoid any potential risks, such as leaving something dangerous on board, commanders typically never permit anyone to leave the aircraft.

In a later interview with Channel 3, Thai Smile Airline clarified the event. According to the airline, the incident happened on the aircraft from Chaing Mai to Bangkok. The international passengers insisted on ending their trip, and they let the cabin crew know what was wrong.

The airline emphasized that they adhered to protocol by making a second trip to the airport to let the affected passengers off.

ThaiRath reports that the relevant departments have confirmed that this incident had no impact on any other aircraft that followed the same itinerary.



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