Sex workers are not permitted to provide their services on Pattaya’s beaches, according to Thailand’s Tourist Police.
The city’s ladies and ladyboys of the night were told to move along last night by members of the Tourist Police and the Pattaya City Police Station as they descended on Pattaya Beach.The sex dealers were advised by the authorities that they are no longer allowed to set up shop on the seashore and offer sex services to tourists. Policing Colonel Somchai Thiraphatphaisarn threatened them with stiff fines if they were caught working there once more.

Since all forms of prostitution are prohibited in Thailand, the sex workers were never really allowed to locate clients there. In Pattaya, renowned as the “sex capital of the world,” the law is openly disregarded and infrequently enforced.Pol. Col. Somchai claimed that the crackdown on seaside prostitution came as a result of Surachate “Big Joke” Hakparn, the deputy police commander, ordering more stringent measures to be taken to stop crimes against visitors.
Police made the decision to go to Pattaya Beach, where visitors are the target of crimes most frequently, in order to stop crime against tourists. Despite being ranked as the second most popular beach in the world, Pattaya Beach becomes a haven for petty crime after dark.
Nagasesha Reddy Neeruganti, 34, an Indian national, stated that his gold necklace, worth 66,000 baht, was taken near Pattaya Beach Road during the weekend.The traveler claimed that on Saturday at 2am while walking along Pattaya Beach, ladyboys approached them and offered to perform sex acts on them. One of the ladyboys seized his jewelry as he turned around to reject their offer and rode off on a motorcycle.
Make sure to contact the Tourist Police Hotline at (852) 1155 if you encounter someone offering sex services on the beach or any other behavior that can compromise Pattaya’s spotless reputation.