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Brutal Stabbing

Stabbing outside a Karaoke Bar in Pattaya

At around 6:00am on January 14th, Pattaya police were called to investigate a brutal stabbing outside a karaoke bar in Pattaya. At the scene police found 2 victims as well as several others who had gathered round.

After treating the 2 victims, and sending them off to hospital safely, police took several witness statements in an attempt to find out what had happened.

Apparently, a homeless man was passing the bar, and had asked the one of the staff if he could join them for a few glasses of whisky. The homeless man was quickly denied access to the bar, and an argument broke out.

The owner of the bar then came out to clear the situation, as it was putting potential customers off from entering his bar. The homeless man took the opportunity to take out a knife and stab the owner. At this point, members of staff from the bar charged out to help their boss, and delivered a vicious beating to the homeless man, leaving him in a pool of blood on the floor.

It was the older brother of the bar owner who eventually called police and emergency service. As well as the witness statements, police are also looking at any cctv footage from the area, to be clear about what happened. After putting together all available evidence, they will then decided what charges to put in place, if any at all.

Both victims are making a full recovery in local hospitals.

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