The Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration on Friday agreed it was time to declare the whole country a green (surveillance) zone where all business and other activities could resume, probably from July 1, the CCSA spokesman said on Friday.
Taweesilp Visanuyothin said they agreed to the proposal from the Public Health Ministry. Officials were expected to conclude details to allow a nationwide green zone from July 1.
Dr Taweesilp said people would be able to take off face masks when they were in open-air places and during activities or work where masks were not normally required.
Alcohol consumption at eateries would return to pre-Covid hours, but disease control measures would still be enforced
Restrictions would also end for entertainment places and the transport of migrant workers.
Thermal scanning for a fever would be unnecessary, except in at-risk or outbreak areas.
Antigen testing would be required only at gatherings of more than 2,000 people or for people with respiratory symptoms.
Use of the Thailand Pass would also probably end.
Dr Taweesilp said the local Covid-19 situation was improving and on the way to the country entering a post-pandemic era on July 1.
He said that from June 1-15 there were 348,699 foreign arrivals, with the largest numbers coming from Malaysia (61,486), India (51,800), Singapore (31,580), Vietnam (18,885) and America (15,708).
Thailand ended mandatory quarantine for unvaccinated or only partially vaccinated foreign arrivals on June 1.