Suspects Blame Each Other After Arrest for Stolen Gate in Pattaya
Introduction to the Theft Incident
Two theft suspects in Pattaya turned on each other during a police reenactment after being arrested for stealing a stainless steel gate. The incident, which took place on February 25th, involved Mr. Wuttichai, 26, and Mr. Kriangkrai, 32, who are accused of the crime.
Details of the Arrests
Mr. Wuttichai was apprehended first, after CCTV footage identified his pickup truck at the crime scene. Mr. Kriangkrai, however, attempted to evade capture and led officers on a rooftop chase across 10 houses before being cornered and detained by authorities.
The Reenactment and Allegations
Both suspects were taken to the crime scene for a reenactment of the theft. During this process, Mr. Wuttichai accused Mr. Kriangkrai of setting him up. He claimed that Mr. Kriangkrai had misled him, stating that they were only transporting the gate, which he believed was Mr. Kriangkrai’s property. Mr. Wuttichai further asserted that he had no knowledge that the gate was stolen.
On the other hand, Mr. Kriangkrai admitted to the theft, citing financial desperation as the reason for his actions. He also claimed that this was his first offense.
Ongoing Investigation and Legal Action
As of now, the police have not yet pressed formal charges against the suspects. The investigation is still ongoing, as authorities continue to search for any missing stolen items. Officers remain skeptical of the suspects’ statements and are conducting further interrogations before deciding on the next steps in the legal process.