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Russian Tourist’s Body is Found in River

Russian Tourist's Body is Found in River

The investigative team at Karon Police Station in Phuket received a report about the discovery of a foreign tourist’s body in a puddle near the Naga statue in front of Karon Beach, Karon Subdistrict.

Upon arrival, the police, accompanied by volunteers from the Phuket Ruamjai Rescue Foundation, found a crowd of locals and foreign tourists gathered in an area surrounded by trees. The officers secured the scene and called in forensic experts and a doctor from Vachira Phuket Hospital to conduct a thorough investigation.

The initial examination revealed the body of a shirtless foreign man lying in a pool of water, with visible wounds. A black document bag was found next to him. Inside, they discovered a passport identifying the deceased as Mr. Orlov, a 27-year-old Russian national. The bag also contained a passport belonging to a woman of the same nationality and several other cards.

Forensic experts and the medical examiner found multiple injuries, including bruises around the eye, near the left ear, on both arms, and severe cuts down to the bone. Additional wounds were noted on the left leg, under the chin, and in the mouth, as well as damage to the eye sockets and Adam’s apple, suggesting that a hard object was used. They estimated that the man had been deceased for approximately eight hours.

Officials suspect that the fatal wounds to major blood vessels on both arms likely caused the death. They ruled out suicide, as injuries on both arms would be uncommon in such cases. The investigative team is currently reviewing CCTV footage and coordinating with other police stations to determine if any missing person reports have been filed. They plan to conduct a thorough investigation before informing the Russian embassy. The body was transferred to Vachira Phuket Hospital for a detailed autopsy.

A reporter interviewed Ms. Na, an employee at a nearby massage shop, who said she heard someone shouting about a dead person and went to investigate. She found the body and immediately called the authorities. Ms. Na mentioned that she had never seen the tourist before and noted that the area is usually busy during the day.

credit Khaosod

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