Yes, that’s right, Pattaya has its very own dog whisperer…
Granted we have all heard the terror stories about how many stray dogs are biting tourists and have rabies etc.
However, there is light at the end of the tunnel, this is in the form of an amazing German man called Adrian Giurgiu.
For the last 10 years. Adrian has given up his free time and dedicated himself to help and rescue dogs on the street. From normal healthy dogs to handicap dogs Adrian will rescue and help them all.
Adrian contacted and invited us to visit him and his “children” as he calls them, so I went to visit him and see what his normal life was like.
Adrian has a three-story house and on every floor, he has cats and dogs that he has rescued. From the minute I was greeted with a very warm welcome to walking around his premises, I never felt scared nor frightened. Yes, the dogs barked when they saw me, but that was more from excitement than fear as all dogs had there tails wagging.
It was so endearing to see the way Adrian and his staff treat and look after the animals and unlike most rescue centres, this house was exceptionally clean and didn’t smell bad at all. I think for me, the top floor was the best as there were two really cute Staffordshire terriers that basically have the whole floor to themselves. In fact, all the animals have rooms and beds and are treated better than most humans.
Adrian then opened a fridge and showed me his medicines for the animals and also his vaccines against rabies. It is good to see one man that just wants to do good to animals that are normally left to fend for themselves.
After about an hour, I followed Adrian to soi khao noi, to where he has his 200.000 baht animal sanctuary. All I can say is, wow, what an amazing place. The sanctuary has been built by largely by the kind donations from the people of Pattaya and Adrian himself.
Adrian told me that 50.000 had been donated by the motorbike group “MAD DOGS“. However, this time last year the sanctuary was only a small piece of land with two rescue dogs, now it boasts 50 dogs. At least 30 dogs are handicapped and the other 20 are very able-bodied and are looking for good homes with a loving family. So anybody can contact Adrian, come and look and give one or more of his dogs a good loving home.
One dog in particular that I fell in love with, was a light brown staffy called Bruno, Yes I love staffies. Other dogs had three legs, have been badly injured by a car or just left by its owner. so now they all have the chance to live a good life. Adrian had just come back from Chang Mai after rescuing yet another dog.

I stayed to watch how Adrian brings the dogs back to health, feeding the dogs and taking the dogs swimming in order for them to regain their strength.
4 times a day Adrian goes back to the sanctuary to tend to the dogs, take them swimming or for walks. He has had special wheelchairs made up for the dogs that find it hard to walk so that they can join in with the fun.
Since my visit, i have spoken to Adrian a few times and will be coming on the walks with him just as a volunteer so the animals can get used to other people. In fact, anyone is welcome to help out with the dogs or donate money, toys or food so the dogs can have the luxury that other animals have.
Below are links to Adrian’s Facebook page, so that you can keep track of everything, and links so you can come and donate as every little helps.
Adrian is also never too busy to answer questions if needed. If you guys are worried or have concerns about stray dogs. One thing Adrian did say, is if you are set upon by Soi dogs, then do not run or act scared. Stand your ground and confront the dogs. If dogs are chasing you while you are on your bike, the best thing you can do is to stop the bike, most times the dogs will just stop and run away. I have not yet tried this, so i will let you be the first, but please do this at your own risk.. You have been warned.
Enjoy the rest of the photos and please, if anyone can help in any way, no matter how small, please not hesitate. Contact Adrian anytime. Thank you…
We will have regular updates, photos and videos from Adrian and his sanctuary, so please join us on this amazing journey.
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