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Pattaya claims to be ‘bursting at the seems’

Pattaya claims

Thai media has reported that the long holiday weekend has Pattaya “almost full to bursting”

They said groups and families were pouring in from Chonburi and further afield on Friday that was the “Wan Piyamaharat” or Rama V memorial day creating a long weekend.

Especially busy were the ferries to Koh Larn where people were being urged to wear life jackets for their personal safety.

In addition temperature checks and mask wearing were the order of the day.

The authorities were mobilized to ensure compliance and provide convenience.

In a brief but upbeat report Manager said that Pattaya would benefit for sure from the long weekend.

Pattaya residents, however, report that the city is a dead as the Dodo, there is nobody here.

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