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Huge Huntsman Spider Eats Lizard Next To Family Eating A Meal

In Britain, there isn’t much to worry about when it comes to spiders. Throughout the rest of the world, however, things aren’t quite so tame.

Yep, while in Britain spiders look pretty scarythe majority of them are harmless and pretty pathetic, to be quite honest. But Down Under, there are arachnids so big they’re often found chowing down on massive geckos.

Take this guy, for example. Melanie Jade Ottaway found him at her home in Beerwah, Queensland, as she was prepared to tuck into her Sunday dinner.

The 29-year-old and her partner, Troy, soon realised that they had an unwanted dinner guest in the form of a huge huntsman spider who was settling into a main course of a gecko.

The spider measured around five inches across, and was sitting on the glass door that led out to their decking.

She grabbed her camera and caught the epic tussle on camera – which, as you can see, the spider defintely won.

Recently, someone else in Australia shared their huntsman horror story, posting a photo on Reddit and revealing that their unwanted visitor was so large that it scared their car.

The photo was posted by a user called Pomohomo82. Captioning the photo ‘G’daymates, let’s be friendssss!’, the Redditor explained: “This big guy just jumped on my lounge window. He’s so large he made a ‘thump’ noise when he landed and scared the hell out of me and the cat.

“I know Huntsman are supposed to be our friends but this guy is pushing the acceptable boundaries a bit.”

I mean, that’s definitely understandable.

After someone asked how big the creepy crawly was, Pomohomo82 replied: “His body is about the size of the palm of my hand, so still room to grow.”

Still room to grow?!

The creepy photo also prompted others to share their huntsman stories – because, yes, there are more – turning the thread into some sort of spider support group.

One person said: “I was once driving across Harbour Bridge with a foreign friend who’s terrified of spiders, when she suddenly grabbed and then scrambled out of her seat and into the back.

“I look over at the passenger window and see the same view as this pic. Massive huntsman practically the size of the window, sitting on the outside.

“Had to keep driving, while this thing slowly walked over to the front of the car and into the engine. By the time I could stop and lift the bonnet it had disappeared somewhere inside the car.”

Another person wrote: “I lived in Hurlstone Park for 8 months and I would either wake up or come home to a huntsman in my room at least once every two weeks.

“Moved to Tempe in March and haven’t seen one… but like you I am starting to worry. They’re coming for us.”

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