Four of Bangkok’s golf course was searched after being reported that foreigners were taking Thai women jobs as caddies.
Department of Employment and the Department of Skill Development who investigated the four golf courses found no foreign workers but found a section of the caddie workforce known as “Pretty Caddies. These ‘Pretty Caddies’ were no foreigners but Thai women, who were tall, good looking with good communication skills. Golfers are also ready to pay 2,000-5000 baht for a round with them.
President of the Department of Skill Development stated that the golf course skills brought by the Thai’s cannot be matched by the foreigners.
He was happy upon investigation that no foreigners were hampering the Thai market, but cleared that 200 more golf courses needed to be investigated.
Golfers secretly informed him that foreign girls do work in the golf courses and were well adept with Thai language, hailing mostly from Vietnam, Cambodia, Burma and Laos.