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PM Gen.Prayut Chan-o-cha statement on CoronaVirus

PM Gen.Prayut

The Prime Minister of Thailand General Prayut Chan-o-cha gave a statement on 27 January 2020 touching on the Novel Coronavirus situation in Thailand and the next step for Thai’s in China. The statement below is not the whole part of the speech and is not an official translation.

PM Gen.Prayut begins “As you all have heard from the news, the Coronavirus. Right now the Ministry of Public Health has implemented measures that are strict and consistent to protect the virus from spreading. The Medical Emergency Operation Center alert code is now at level 3, relating to the level of seriousness.

The situation is being watched closely inside and outside the nation. Appropriate regulations have been set including the management of medical personnel in all public sectors, private sectors, and the Military. To increase protection of the virus by preventing, search, and screening at all entrances to the nation including 5 airports and other entrances by land, borders, and the waters at the ports. This is to screen travelers coming in from travel restricted areas including Wuhan and other areas as announced by the Chinese Government.”

PM continues “To give news that is accurate to the truth without covering up any information, the main importance is “the life and health of the people”. Please trust that the government is taking actions that are at international standards. The screening is highly successful with currently 8 patients who have this virus, all infected in China. 5 have already been healed while 3 are still in medical care at the hospital.

The current situation is that it is 100% under control, but we must not neglect the issue. Keep watch, look after yourself, and cooperate with the officials. The Novel Coronavirus can be prevented, may all have good health, avoid being close to people with respiratory issues. Focus on hygiene, Eat cooked food, never share spoons, wash your hands, and wear medical masks.

The PM also confirmed that Thailand’s health care and disease control is strong ranking 6th place out of 195 nations in the world researched by the Johns Hopkins University. To be careful of fake news and media that wishes well but puts out inaccurate information.

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